
Announcing Encomia 43 (2019-21)

Dear colleagues/Chers collègues,

Richard Trachsler and I are delighted to announce the publication of the new journal version of Encomia 43 (2019-21), online and on open access. You can freely download and read all the articles and pieces in the journal at the link below. There is no charge for the PDF versions. If you wish to order the printed version, there will be a charge that is not covered by the Society. It is the decision that the Society came to in order to simplify the process of publishing, distributing, and consulting our new publication, and we hope that you will all find this format easy to navigate. We also trust that it will give your work a broad international audience.

Thank you and congratulations to all our authors! Many of the articles are revised versions of papers delivered at the Triennial Congress in Exeter in 2019. (Other pieces from Exeter are in production as an edited volume to appear with Liverpool University Press.)

We have published instructions for submitting articles to Encomia 44 on our website – we need your articles, so please do think of us as a quick and easy way to publish in open access and in a prestigious peer-reviewed International Journal. Please remember that we accept papers in any of the official languages of our Society: English, French, and German.

 You can send your papers directly to myself and/or to Richard. We look forward to reading you soon!


Richard Trachsler et moi-même sommes ravis d’annoncer la publication de la nouvelle version de la revue Encomia 43 (2019-21), en ligne et en accès libre. Par le lien ci-dessous, vous pouvez télécharger et lire librement tous les articles et pièces de la revue. Les versions PDF sont gratuites. Si vous souhaitez commander la version imprimée, il y aura des frais qui ne sont pas couverts par la Société. C’est la décision à laquelle est arrivée la SILC afin de simplifier le processus de publication, de distribution et de consultation de notre nouvelle publication, et nous espérons que vous trouverez tous ce format facile à naviguer. Nous espérons également qu’il donnera à votre travail une large audience internationale.

Merci et félicitations à tous nos auteurs ! De nombreux articles sont des versions revues de communications présentées lors du congrès triennal d’Exeter en 2019. (D’autres pièces d’Exeter sont en cours de production sous la forme d’un volume édité à paraître chez Liverpool University Press).

Nous avons publié des instructions pour soumettre des articles à Encomia 44 sur notre site Web – nous avons besoin de vos articles. Pensez donc à nous comme à un moyen rapide et facile de publier en accès libre et dans un prestigieux journal international évalué par les pairs. N’oubliez pas que nous acceptons les articles dans toutes les langues officielles de notre société : anglais, français et allemand.

Vous pouvez envoyer vos articles directement à moi-même et/ou à Richard. Nous nous réjouissons de vous lire bientôt !

Very best wishes for the start of term/Tous nos voeux pour la rentrée,
Emma et Richard.

Professor Emma Cayley
Head of School
School of Languages, Cultures and Societies
University of Leeds

Prof. Dr. Richard Trachsler
Romanisches Seminar
Universität Zürich
Zürichbergstr. 8
CH – 8032 Zürich

“Courtly Pastimes” to appear from Routledge (Nov. 2022)

Congratulations to Julie Human and Gloria Allaire, organizers of the XVth Triennial Congress in Lexington (KY, USA), for the appearance of their edited volume Courtly Pastimes (Routledge, 2022). Many of the chapters in this volume originated at the Congress, which featured the titular theme.

From the publisher:

“The modern concept of passing leisure hours pleasantly would, in the Middle Ages, have fallen under the rubric of Sloth, a deadly sin. Yet aristocrats of past centuries were not always absorbed in affairs of state or warfare. What did they do in moments of peace, “downtime” as we might call it today? In this collection of essays, scholars from various disciplines investigate courtly modes of entertainment ranging from the vigorous to the intellectual: hunting, jousting, horse racing: physical and verbal games; reading, writing, and book ownership. Favorite pastimes spanned differences of gender and age, and crossed geographical and cultural boundaries. Literary and historical examples come from England, France, Germany, Spain, and Italy.

Courtly Pastimes analyzes the underlying rationales for such activities: to display power and prestige, to acquire cultural capital, to instill a sense of community, or to build diplomatic alliances. Performativity—so crucial in social rituals—could become transgressive if taken to extremes. Certain chapters explore the spaces of courtliness: literal or imaginary; man-made, natural, or a hybrid of both. Other chapters concern materiality and visual elements associated with courtly pastimes: from humble children’s toys and playthings to elite tournament attire, castle murals, and manuscript illuminations.”

To pre-order your copy, visit Courtly Pastimes – 1st Edition – Gloria Allaire – Julie Human – Rout (

Changes to Encomia

The International Courtly Literature Society (ICLS) rings the changes with this 43rd issue of its regular publication, Encomia. Since its foundation in the 1970s, Encomia has appeared in the respective guises of a Newsletter and then a Bibliography, reflecting the interests of its members. Now Encomia is yet again transformed into an academic journal which offers to publish research and original contributions in the form of articles or shorter pieces. The journal will retain the breadth and diversity, thematic and linguistic, which have characterized the Society’s endeavours from its earliest beginnings. Encomia takes on a contemporary online format, enabling free access to all; its articles are selected through a rigorous process of double-blind peer-review. As we move forward, we hope to be able to publish annually, as regularly as this publication once did, and to reestablish the exemplary reputation of Encomia. We would like to thank all those who have contributed to making this new enterprise a reality. 

Encomia is now accepting articles for volume 44 in any of the languages of the ICLS. Please see instructions for submission by scrolling down this page. 

Avec ce nouveau numéro, le quarante-troisieme, Encomia, l’organe de la Société Internationale de Littérature Courtoise (SILC) engage une mue. Après avoir été, depuis sa fondation dans les 1970, d’abord une Newsletter puis une Bibliographie reflétant les intérets de ses membres, Encomia devient aujourd’hui une revue scientifique publiant les recherches et contributions originales sous forme d’articles ou de notes. De ses débuts, elle conserve l’amplitude et l’ouverture thématique et linguistique, qui sont celles de la société savante dont elle émane ; des temps présents, elle adopte le format – numérique et gratuit – et les exigences scientifiques comportant la double relecture par les pairs. A l’avenir, nous voudrions retrouver le rythme annuel de nos prédécesseurs pour devenir une revue a tous égards régulière et exemplaire. Nous remercions toutes les personnes qui nous ont aidés a réaliser ici le premier pas. 

Encomia accepte dès maintenant des articles pour le volume 44 dans toutes les langues de la SILC, Veuillez consulter les instructions ci-dessous. 

Emma Cayley 
International President of the ICLS 

Richard Trachsler 
Honorary President 


Emma Cayley (University of Leeds), 
Beverly Evans (SUNY Geneseo), 
Vanessa Obry (Université de Haute Alsace), 
Richard Trachsler (Universität Zürich), 


Florence Bouchet (Université de Toulouse II),, French 
Kristin Burr (Saint Joseph’s University),, French 
Keith Busby (University of Wisconsin, Madison),, French 
Fabrizio Cigni (Universita di Pisa),, Romance Languages 
Shawn Cooper (Rochester University),, English 
Olivier Delsaux (Université Saint-Louis),, French 
Timo Felber (Universität Kiel),, German 
Miranda Griffin (University of Cambridge),, French 
Susanne Hafner (Fordham University),, German 
Marion Hollings (Middle Tennessee State University),, English 
Nathalie Koble (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris),, French 
Patrick Moran (University of Vancouver),, French 
Claudio Lagomarsini (Universita di Siena),, Romance Languages 
Nicola Morato (Università di Bergamo),, Romance Philology 
Ad Putter (University of Bristol),, English 
Finn Sinclair (University of Edinburgh),, French
Leah Tether (University of Bristol),, Medieval Literature and Publishing 

How to submit an article/Comment adresser un article: 

Instructions to authors for publication of articles in Encomia (for all articles written in English). 

Please note that these instructions must be accurately observed, as the journal does not have a secretary to help with formatting. Any article failing to adhere to these instructions will be sent back to the author for correction. Failure to correct to the appropriate standard may lead to the rejection of the article. 

Front matter: 
Each article must be accompanied by a summary of the article in English, to a maximum length of 500 characters including spaces, plus at least 5 keywords in English. 
End matter: 
At the end of the article, insert the name of the author (First name in lower case, SURNAME in small capitals) followed on the next line by the institution or affiliation (in lower case), all of which should be aligned right. 
The text itself should be written in Times New Roman, font size 12, single-spaced and justified; all offset quotations and footnotes should be in font size 10. Each new paragraph should be marked by an indented first line, unless the author explicitly requests otherwise. To create this indent, do not use the tab key. Instead, set it up by going to “Format”, then “Paragraph”; then, in the block “Indentation”, go to “Special” and choose “First line”, and then 0.8 cm. (The computer will then automatically indent the first line when one hits “Return”.) Quotations too long to appear within the text should be indented 1.5 cm on the left. The title of the article should be written in Times New Roman, font size 14, in bold, in lower case (except for proper nouns), and centred. Any sub-headings (optional), which must not involve more than two levels of sub-division, should be set out as follows: the first level should be in Times New Roman, font size 12, in bold; and the second level in Times New Roman, font size 12, in italics. Please do not insert a blank line between paragraphs. 

Encomia follows the style sheet of the MHRA 

Instructions aux auteurs pour publication d’un article dans Encomia 

Nous remercions les auteurs de bien vouloir noter que ces instructions doivent être scrupuleusement respectées. La revue ne disposant pas de secrétariat, les articles dont la présentation ne serait pas strictement conforme à ces normes seront systématiquement retournés à leurs auteurs et, faute d’être corrigés, ne pourront pas être publiés. 

Avec l’article : 
Chaque article doit être accompagné d’un résumé en français et en anglais comportant chacun au maximum 500 signes (espaces comprises) ainsi que d’au moins 5 mots clés, également en français et en anglais. Prévoir en outre la traduction anglaise du titre. 
Après l’article : 
Chaque article doit être suivi par le Prénom (en minuscules) et le NOM (en petites capitales) de l’auteur, suivis à la ligne de l’institution et/ou du laboratoire de rattachement (en minuscules), le tout calé à droite. 
Texte : 
Le texte en lui-même sera composé en Times New Roman, taille 12, interligne simple, justifié ; les citations extraites du texte, ainsi que les notes, en taille 10. Chaque nouveau paragraphe, sauf volonté expresse de l’auteur, sera marqué par un alinéa ; pour créer cet alinéa, ne pas mettre une tabulation, mais utiliser le menu « Format », puis « Paragraphe », bloc « Retrait », champ « De 1re ligne », choisir « positif », puis « De » : 0,8 cm. Les citations extraites du texte seront marquées par un retrait à gauche de 1,5 cm. Le titre de l’article sera composé en Times New Roman, taille 14, en caractères gras, minuscules (pas de majuscules), centré. Les éventuels intertitres (facultatifs) comporteront au maximum deux niveaux, le premier en Times New Roman, taille 12, gras, le second en Times 
New Roman, taille 12, italiques. À éviter, en revanche, les lignes vierges entre les paragraphes. 

Encomia utilise les normes typographiques de la MHRA 

Les propositions sont à adresser à  

Articles should be submitted to: 

Chaque article proposé à la revue sera soumis, de façon anonyme, à une double relecture et ne pourra être publié qu’après approbation du Comité de lecture et du Comité de rédaction. 

Every article will be reviewed anonymously by two readers and can only be published after approval by the Scientific Committee and the Editorial Board. 

Kalamazoo 2022

The North American Branch is sponsoring or co-sponsoring four panels at the International Congress on Medieval Studies at Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo), May 9-14, 2022. For the convenience of the membership at large, the annual business meeting will be held outside the Conference apparatus. For 2023, we will return to our regularly scheduled business meeting at Kalamazoo.

93* Tuesday, May 10, 11:00 a.m. EDT
Knights and White Satin: Dress and Heraldry in the Medieval Court
Sponsors: DISTAFF (Discussion, Interpretation, and Study of Textile Arts, Fabrics, and Fashion), International Courtly Literature Society (ICLS), North American Branch
Presider: Robin Netherton, DISTAFF

  • “The Heraldry of Malory and His Morte Darthur,” Shawn Phillip Cooper, Oakland Community College
  • “Marca Hispanica: A Contextual Analysis of a Thirteenth-Century Aragonese Sumptuary Edict on Printed Garments and What It Reveals,” Tonia R. Brown, Independent Scholar
  • “The Trousseau of Isabella Bruce, Queen of Norway,” Valeria Di Clemente, Univ. degli Studi di Catania
  • “Nights in White Silk Chemises: Amorous Nobles and What They Wear,” Monica L. Wright

187* Wednesday, May 11, 5:00 p.m. EDT
Sickness in the Medieval Court I: Literary Representations
Sponsor: International Courtly Literature Society (ICLS), North American Branch
Organizer: Shawn Phillip Cooper, Oakland Community College
Presider: Shawn Phillip Cooper

  • “Infirmity, Injury, and Malaise in the Lancelot’s Book of the Agravains (Yale MS 229),” Elizabeth Moore Willingham, Baylor Univ.
  • “‘By stroke of pestilence’: Personifying Death in Post-Plague Middle English Literature,” Alexandra Claridge, Univ. of Liverpool
  • “Earthly Corruption and Eucharistic Healing in Pearl,” Tessa Carman, Independent Scholar
  • “Bisclavret and PTSD,” Robin J. Wright, Independent Scholar

204* Wednesday, May 11, 7:00 p.m. EDT
Sickness in the Medieval Court II: Historical Responses

Sponsor: International Courtly Literature Society (ICLS), North American Branch
Organizer: Shawn Phillip Cooper, Oakland Community College
Presider: Shawn Phillip Cooper

  • “Medieval Roots of an Early Modern Prayer for Plague,” Drew Nathaniel Keane, Georgia Southern Univ.
  • “Taking the “Water of Honeysuckles”: The Illness Behavior of Late Medieval English Nobility,” Rachel M. Podd, Fordham Univ.
  • “The King’s One Body: Specific and General Medical Advice in Royal Courts of the Later Middle Ages,” Noa Nikolsky, Univ. of Pennsylvania

246* Thursday, May 12, 3:00 p.m. EDT
Romance and Rhetoric: Roundtable in Memory of Dhira Mahoney

Sponsors: International Courtly Literature Society (ICLS), North American Branch; International Arthurian Society, North American Branch
Organizer: Susanne Hafner, Fordham Univ.
Presider: Megan B. Abrahamson, Central New Mexico Community College
A roundtable discussion with Christina M. Francis, Bloomsburg Univ. of Pennsylvania; Suzanne C. Hagedorn, College of William & Mary; Albrecht Classen, Univ. of Arizona; Alison Langdon, Western Kentucky Univ.; Anita Obermeier, Univ. of New Mexico

Notice on the Passing of Douglas Kelly

Photo courtesy of @boydellbrewer, with permission of Caroline Palmer

A message from the President of the International Executive Committee of the ICLS:

Un message de la présidente du comité exécutif international de la SILC :

The International Courtly Literature Society join with their North American branch in lamenting the death of Douglas Kelly, Julian Harris Professor (Emeritus) of French and Medieval Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, on March 21st, 2022, at the age of 87.

La Société Internationale de Littérature Courtoise s’unit à sa branche nord-américaine pour pleurer le décès de Douglas Kelly, Julian Harris Professor (émérite) en études françaises et médiévales à l’Université du Wisconsin-Madison, survenu le 21 mars 2022, à l’âge de 87 ans.

Douglas Kelly was one of the greatest and most respected medieval scholars of his generation. He published widely across a range of areas, and while known as an Arthurian scholar and particular expert on Chrétien de Troyes his entire career, his scholarly work extended forward in range and chronological scope to studies of the Roman de la Rose, Christine de Pizan, and Machaut among many others. His last major publication was a translation of Benoit de Sainte-Maure’s Roman de Troie, co-authored with Glyn Burgess (2017). Keith Busby, Douglas Kelly’s successor at the University of Wisconsin, and former President, describes him thus, ‘Douglas Kelly was a great scholar, teacher, and the best of men. He will be sorely missed’.

Douglas Kelly était l’un des médiévistes les plus remarquables et les plus respectés de sa génération. Ses publications couvrent de nombreux champs, et s’il est resté connu pendant toute sa carrière comme spécialiste de littérature arthurienne et particulièrement de Chrétien de Troyes, ses travaux se sont également étendus thématiquement et chronologiquement pour inclure le Roman de la Rose, Christine de Pizan, Machaut et bien d’autres sujets. Sa dernière publication principale fut une traduction du Roman de Troie de Benoît de Sainte-Maure en collaboration avec Glyn Burgess (2017). Keith Busby, successeur de Douglas Kelly à l’Université du Wisconsin et ancien président de la SILC, le décrit en ces termes : « Douglas Kelly était un grand chercheur, un grand enseignant, et une personne exceptionnelle. Il va terriblement nous manquer. »

In due course we will be publishing a full obituary in the Society’s journal, Encomia, and thinking of ways to honour Douglas, not least at our forthcoming triennial congress in Vancouver for which the CfP and website are nearly ready to share with you.

En temps voulu, nous publierons une notice nécrologique complète dans la revue de la Société, Encomia, et nous prévoirons des moyens de rendre hommage à Douglas, notamment dans le cadre du futur congrès triennal de Vancouver, dont l’appel à contributions et le site internet seront partagés très prochainement.

May angels accompany him to his rest.

Que les anges l’accompagnent vers son dernier repos.

Very best wishes in sadness,

Avec mes salutations attristées,

Emma Cayley

Notice on the Passing of Simon Gaunt

From our International President, Emma Cayley, 6 December 2021.

My very dear colleagues, Mes très chers collègues,

I am sending you this message from the British Branch with a heavy heart.

C’est avec un coeur lourd que je vous fais suivre cette annonce de la part de la branche britannique.

Dear British Branch members,

It was with immense sadness that we learned at the weekend of the death of Professor Simon Gaunt.

As members of the ICLS British Branch will know, Simon was one of the leading lights in our discipline. His dynamic scholarship in the areas of Occitan, French, Italian, philology, critical theory, and literary history was a transformative influence on medieval studies on the international stage. A collaborative, challenging interlocutor and a generous mentor, he was a great supporter of his students and colleagues. As a lecturer and supervisor, he was inspiring. He loved teaching, and his students adored him.

Simon studied for his PhD at the University of Warwick; he was a Research Fellow and then a Lecturer at the University of Cambridge, and moved to Kings College London in 1998. He was elected Fellow of the British Academy in July 2018.

Simon was instrumental in many discussions about the direction and focus of the ICLS British Branch. In the coming months, we will discuss ways to honour him and mark his contribution to the Society.

With our very best wishes,

Emma Cayley, President, ICLS British Branch
Miranda Griffin, Secretary, ICLS British Branch
Matthew Lampitt, Treasurer, ICLS British Branch

We will also be discussing ways to remember Simon, and reflect his wider contribution to the ICLS over many years.

Nous discuterons des manières dont nous pouvons commémorer notre ami Simon, et ses multiples contributions à notre société au fil des années.

Veuillez recevoir nos condoléances les plus sincères pour cette perte prématurée,

Sending our deepest sympathy to you all on this untimely loss,


Triennial Congress postponed to 2023

Dear Members of the International Courtly Literature Society,

Lengthy discussions over the past few months within the ICLS executive committee as well as with other scholarly societies, the International Arthurian Society and Société Rencesvals in particular, have resulted in the decision to move the XVIIth ICLS congress planned at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver) to 24-29 July 2023.

Due to continuing uncertainties regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and its effect on travel, the full feasibility of an international conference in 2022 is in doubt. Western Michigan University, for instance, has already announced that the 2022 Kalamazoo congress would be online again. We believe delaying the ICLS triennal congress to 2023 will increase chances of international travel returning entirely to normal, Canada lifting its stringent travel restrictions, and international delegates obtaining funding from their institutions.

This move will also avoid scheduling clashes with the Rencesvals conference, which has been postponed to 2022, and the Arthurian congress, which will probably be pushed back to 2024. Coincidentally, this postponement also means that the 2023 congress will take place exactly 50 years after the founding of our society in 1973 – all the more cause for celebration.

You can expect a call for papers on the theme of “Redefining Courtliness” in November 2021.

Chers membres de la Société internationale de littérature courtoise,

Plusieurs mois de discussions au sein du bureau de la SILC ainsi qu’avec d’autres sociétés savantes, notamment la Société international arthurienne et la Société Rencesvals, ont mené à la décision de déplacer le XVIIe congrès de la SILC prévu à l’Université de la Colombie-Britannique (Vancouver) aux 24-29 juillet 2023.

Les incertitudes qui subsistent actuellement sur la pandémie de COVID-19 et son impact sur les déplacements rend incertaine la tenue d’un colloque international en bonne et due forme en 2022. Western Michigan University, par exemple, a déjà annoncé que l’édition 2022 du congrès de Kalamazoo se tiendrait à nouveau en ligne. Nous sommes d’avis que repousser le congrès triennal de la SILC jusqu’en 2023 augmentera les chances que les déplacements internationaux soient revenus à la normale, que les lourdes restrictions actuelles à l’entrée du territoire canadien soient levées, et que les participants au congrès obtiennent de leurs institutions les fonds nécessaires pour voyager.

Retarder le congrès d’un an permettra également d’éviter un embouteillage avec le congrès Rencesvals, repoussé jusqu’en 2022, et le congrès arthurien, qui se tiendra probablement en 2024. Par un heureux hasard, ce changement de date permettra aussi au XVIIe congrès de se dérouler exactement 50 ans après la fondation de la SILC en 1973 – raison de plus de célébrer nos retrouvailles.

L’appel à communications, sur le thème “Redéfinir la courtoisie”, sera diffusé en novembre 2021.

International Congress on Medieval Studies 2021 (‘Kalamazoom’)

From our North American Branch website, courtesy of NAB secretary, Julie Human.

Please join us for our ICLS-NAB panels and business meeting next week! All times listed are in Eastern Daylight Time. All events will take place via the ICMS Zoom interface, which you login to using the email address you used to register for the conference, with the exception of our ICLS-NAB business meeting. The business meeting will be hosted separately and is open to all (and not listed in the program). See link below to join.

311* Thursday, May 13, 7:00 p.m. EDTImpropriety and Notoriety in Courtly Society (A Roundtable)
Presider: Suzanne C. Hagedorn, College of William & Mary

A roundtable discussion with Shawn Phillip Cooper; Caroline M. Fleischauer, Univ. of Wyoming; and Julie Human, Univ. of Kentucky.

Thursday, May 13, 9:00 p.m. EDT: Business meeting (Zoom link)

343* Friday, May 14, 1:00 p.m. EDTOvid and His Heirs at Court
Presider: Suzanne C. Hagedorn, College of William & Mary

Invisible Echo: Narcissus’s Hermaphroditic Role in The Romance of the Rose,Lesleigh B. Jones, Southern Methodist Univ.
Ovidian Myth and Auctoritas in Chaucer’s Book of the Duchess, Vincent Mennella, Southern Methodist Univ. (Recipient of the 2021 ICLS-NAB Emerging Scholars Grant)
Singing at Pluto’s Court in Halberstadt and Wickram’s Metamorphosen,Jennifer S. Carnell, Univ. of Minnesota–Twin Cities

401* Saturday, May 15, 11:00 a.m. EDTLove on the Battlefield
Presider: Susanne Hafner, Fordham Univ.

Do you know who my father is?!”: Gendered Imperialism and the Exceptional Parent Excuse in Sir Degaré, Arielle C. McKee, Gardner-Webb Univ.
Violence, Vulnerability, and Hurt/Comfort Fanfiction in the Stanzaic Guy of Warwick and the Alliterative Morte Arthure, Megan B. Abrahamson, Central New Mexico Community College (Recipient of the 2021 ICLS-NAB Emerging Scholars Grant)
Love, Sex, and Amazons, Suzanne C. Hagedorn, College of William & Mary”

British Branch Conference 2021

Information provided by the British Branch of the International Courtly Literature Society:

The Court in the World; the World in the Court
12–13th April 2021
University of Cambridge (online)

Building on the success of the 2019 international congress in Exeter, which explored notions of courtly communities and networks, the 2021 meeting of the ICLS British Branch focusses on the theme of the court in its global contexts, asking: what can medieval literary texts tell us about the place of the court in the world and, concomitantly, the place of the world in the court? What is the relationship between the local and the global in the courtly world? What are the court’s connections to the wider world? How are we to conceptualise them? What are the roles played by narratives, texts, manuscripts, and other cultural artefacts in making and maintaining those networks?


DAY 1 : 12th April 2021

9.55–10.00 : Welcome

10.00–11.30 : Session 1: Geographies In and Of Courtly Literature
Chair: Simon Gaunt, King’s College London

The Construction of Scotland in the Roman de la Manekine: Visions of Geography and the Court
Laura Bailey, University of Cambridge
Benoît in the Veneto: The Roman de Troie of Vatican, BAV, Reg. Lat. 1505
Henry Ravenhall, Freie Universität Berlin
Epic in and out of Flanders
David Murray, Universiteit Utrecht

12.30–13.30 : Break

13.00–14.30 : Session 2: The Medieval Welsh Literary Court
Chair: Richard Dance, University of Cambridge

Constructing Powys in Twelfth-Century Court Poetry: A Question of Literary Agency
Ben Guy, University of Cambridge
‘Gorssed a oed uch law y llys’: Courts and Prehistoric Landscape in Medieval Welsh Literature
Brigid Ehrmantraut, University of Cambridge
Downhill All The Way: The Depiction of Arthur’s Court in Culhwch ac Olwen
Paul Russell, University of Cambridge

14.30–17.00 : Break

17.00–18.00 : Poster Session
Chair: Matt Lampitt, University of Cambridge

Cultural Reversals in Aucassin et Nicolette and Floire et Blanchefleur
Rebecca Courtier, University of Cambridge
Trans and genderqueer temporalities in medieval French texts
Rachel Hayes, University of Warwick

DAY 2 : 13th April 2020

10.00–11.30 : Session 3: Time, Space, and Courtly Identities
Chair: Miranda Griffin, University of Cambridge

Queer Ecologies in Troubadour Song
Emily Kate Price, University of Cambridge
‘Immigrants! (We get the job done)’: Rereading Lancelot Against Whiteness
Cat Watts, University of Cambridge
To Infinity and Beyond: Layering Time in the Universe of Le Roman de Gillion de Trazegnies
Michele Buras-Stubbs, University of Liverpool

11.30–13.00 : Break

13.00–14.00 : Session 4: The Sixteenth-Century Court of Savoy
Chair: Mary Franklin-Brown, University of Cambridge

The Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis (1559) and a Marriage between Two Courts: Marguerite de France and Emmanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy
Sarah Alyn Stacey, Trinity College Dublin
Writing Virtuous Nobility at the Court of Savoy: Emmanuel-Philibert de Pingon’s ‘Ode à Madame Marguerite’
Alexandra Corey, Trinity College Dublin

14.00–15.00 : Break

15.00–17.00 : Branch Business Meeting